Monday, June 22, 2020

Sunday June 28 from 9 am to 11 am:
Sacramento's Organic Advocate, Steven Zien retired from Living Resources Company and Our Water Our World (OWOW) will be a guest on Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows from 9:00 am to 10 am on 1530-AM/93.1 FM KFBK and from 10:15 am to 11 am on 650 AM KSTE. With this weeks heat spell Fred and Steve plan to discuss mulch, it’s many benefits including keeping your soil and plants cool. We will also suggest some materials that can be used as mulch. Continuing with the heat theme we will likely also discuss the benefits of flame weeding, where it can and should not be used, and precautions to take when flaming. 
Have a growing problem or pest question? Call in and we will do our best to answer your inquiry.
As always, listeners will have a chance to win an exciting prize just by answering the Garden Grappler. If you can't listen live over the airwaves both programs will be available streaming live on your favorite electronic device. If you are busy during the broadcast, the programs will be also be available after the shows as podcasts. Links to the broadcasts and podcasts can be found at the
Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows webpage. You will not want to miss Fred and Steve as they verbally torment each other for almost 2 hours while dispensing valuable horticultural advise.