Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September 29, 2013 from 8:30 am to Noon:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be a guest on Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows from 8:30 am to 10 am on 1530 KFBK and from 10 am to noon on 650 KSTE discussing organic tips for the fall garden and landscape. Listen and call in to get your questions answered.

October 19, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm:
Certified Integrated Pest Management Advocate Steven Zien representing the Our Water Our World program will be appearing at the Green Acres Sacramento location 8501 Jackson Rd. Sacramento, CA, 381-1625. Green Acres is having a Fall Festival-10 Year Anniversary Celebration that will include food, music, games, pumpkins, face painting and more fun. Steve will have a variety of least toxic garden and pest management products on display that he will be discussing that will be available for purchase. Bring your smiles, garden questions and pest samples for identification and Steve will help you go home with a least toxic solution.

October 24, 2013 from 10:45 am to 11:30 am:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company and EcoLandscape California’s, Green Gardener Training Program will be discussing, "Green Gardener Program: Environmentally Sound Tools and Techniques that Provide Long Term Pest Prevention as part of a morning long Horticultural Pest Control Seminar at the Davis Veterans Memorial Center, 203 14th Street, Davis California. Other topics to be discussed include Sustainable Weed Management, Holistic Weed Management, Using Drought Tolerant Plants for Weed Displacement in Central Valley Landscapes. For more information contact Martin Guerena, IPM Specialist for the City of Davis, 530-757-5670,

October 27, 2013 from 8:30 am to Noon:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be a guest on Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows from 8:30 am to 10 am on 1530 KFBK and from 10 am to noon on 650 KSTE discussing organic tips for the fall garden and landscape. Listen and call in to get your questions answered.

November 13, 2013 from 6:30 pm to 8:45 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien will be the instructor for the class on Fertilizer and Turf Care that is part of a 10-Week River-Friendly Green Gardener Training Program offered at the Folsom Public Library, Georgia Murray Building Community Room, 411 Stafford Street, Folsom, CA 95630. The course begins September 11, 2013. The program will provide participants with a foundation of knowledge on River-Friendly Landscaping Principles, Soil Health, Mulches and Compost, Irrigation (3 classes), Right Plant – Right Place, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Pruning for Plant Health, and Fertilizers & Turf Care. For more information or to register visit EcoLandscape California’s webpage or call 530-887-9887.

November 17, 2013 from 8:30 am to Noon:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be a guest on Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows from 8:30 am to 10 am on 1530 KFBK and from 10 am to noon on 650 KSTE discussing organic tips for the fall and winter garden and landscape. Listen and call in to get your questions answered.

November 21, 2013:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will make a presentation "Organic Production and It's Role in Pest and Disease Prevention" at the California Association of Pest Control Advisers seminar in Vallejo, CA (1461 N Camino Alto at the Foley Cultural Center located inside Dan Foley Park). Steve's presentation will be from 11:15 - 11:45 am as part of an all day Sustainable/Organic Practices in Urban/Ag Settings seminar.

December 4, 2013:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will make a presentation about “Soil Biology: Your Primary Pest Management Tool” at the Sacramento Valley Landscape and Nursery Expo as part of their Pest Management Tract to be held at the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, 1401 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA. More detailed and updated information will soon be posted at the event website.

December 5, 2013:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will make a presentation "Organic Production and It's Role in Pest and Disease Prevention" at the Pesticide Applicators Professional Association seminar in Sacramento, CA. Steve's presentation will be from 1:15 - 2:00 pm as part of an all day seminar.

February 1, 2014:
Save this date for EcoLandscape California’s conference and trade show: “Local Actions, Global Results, Making the Connection One Customer at a Time.” More detailed and updated information will soon be posted at the organization's website. This should be a great event for horticultural professionals. Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company is scheduled to make a presentation, "Soil Not Just a Dirty Word - Exploring the mysteries of managing soil biology."

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 28, 2013 from 10 am to 8 pm: Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be performing blacksmithing duties at the CaliforniaState Fair’s blacksmith booth on The Farm. Stop by and see Steve pound hot metal into useful items. Feel free to ask Steve any garden questions you may have and get them answered organically.
August 3, 2013 from 8 am to 2 pm: Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will have an educational booth at Harvest Day, at Fair Oaks Park, 11549 Fair Oaks Blvd. Fair Oaks, California. Steve will be answering your garden questions and solving your garden problems organically, as well as discussing the benefits of soil testing, organic gardening products available locally and other related topics. One of Sacramento's best horticultural events it includes numerous speakers, demonstrations, educational booths, tours of various demonstration gardens, and sampling of tree fruit, grapes and vegetables.

August 11, 2013 from 8:30 am to Noon: Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be a guest on Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows from 8:30 to 10 am on 1530 KFBK and from 10 am to noon on 650 KSTE discussing organic tips for the fall garden and landscape. Listen and call in to get your questions answered.

August 14, 2013 from 10:15 am to 11:00 am:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be making a presentation on “Organic Production & It’s Role in Pest & Disease Prevention” to the California Association of Pest Control Advisers as part of a daylong seminar program. The event will be held at Sacramento Elks Lodge #6, 6446 Riverside Dr., Sacramento, CA 95831. For more information or to register go to the CAPCA website.

August 17, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm:
Certified Integrated PestManagement  Advocate Steven Zien representing the Our Water Our World program will be appearing at Talini’s Nursery, 5601 Folsom Blvd., Sacramento, CA, 916-451-8150. Steve will have a variety of least toxic garden and pest management products on display that he will be discussing and will be available for purchase. Bring your garden questions and pest samples for identification and Steve will help you go home with a least toxic solution. -->

September 18, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:45 pm: Organic horticulturist Steven Zien will be the instructor for the class on Soil Health that is part of a 10-Week River-Friendly GreenGardener Training Program offered at the Folsom Public Library, Georgia Murray Building Community Room, 411 Stafford Street, Folsom, CA 95630. The course begins September 11, 2013. The program will provide participants with a foundation of knowledge on River-Friendly Landscaping Principles, Soil Health, Mulches and Compost, Irrigation (3 classes), Right Plant – Right Place, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Pruning for Plant Health, and Fertilizers & Turf Care. For more information or to register visit Ecolandscape California’s webpage or call 530-887-9887.

November 13, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:45 pm: Organic horticulturist Steven Zien will be the instructor for the class on Fertilizer and Turf Care that is part of a 10-Week River-Friendly GreenGardener Training Program offered at the Folsom Public Library, Georgia Murray Building Community Room, 411 Stafford Street, Folsom, CA 95630. The course begins September 11, 2013. The program will provide participants with a foundation of knowledge on River-Friendly Landscaping Principles, Soil Health, Mulches and Compost, Irrigation (3 classes), Right Plant – Right Place, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Pruning for Plant Health, and Fertilizers & Turf Care. For more information or to register visit Ecolandscape California’s webpage or call 530-887-9887.

December 4, 2013: Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will make a presentation about “Soil Biology: Your Primary Pest Management Tool” at the Sacramento Valley Landscape and Nursery Expo as part of their Pest Management Tract to be held at the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center, 1401 Arden Way, Sacramento, CA. More detailed and updated information will soon be posted at the event website.

December 5, 2013: Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will make a presentation (subject to be determined) at the Pesticide ApplicatorsProfessional Association seminar in Sacramento, CA. More detailed and updated information will soon be posted at the event website.

 February 1, 2014: Save this date for Ecolandscape California’s : “Local Actions, Global Results, Making the Connection One Customer at a Time.” More detailed and updated information will soon be posted at the organizations website. This should be a great event for horticultural professionals.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

June 8, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2 pm:
Certified Integrated Pest Management  Advocate Steven Zien representing the Our Water Our World program will be appearing at the Home Depot located at 4641 Florin Road, Sacramento (393-9500). Steve will have a variety of least toxic garden and pest management products on display that he will be discussing and will be available for purchase. Bring your garden questions and pest samples for identification and Steve will help you go home with a least toxic solution.

June 15, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2 pm:
Certified Integrated Pest Management  Advocate Steven Zien representing the Our Water Our World program will be appearing at Emigh Hardware located at 3555 El Camino, Sacramento (482-1900). Steve will have a variety of least toxic garden and pest management products on display that he will be discussing and will be available for purchase. Bring your garden questions and pest samples for identification and Steve will help you go home with a least toxic solution.

June 16, 2013 from 8:30 am to Noon:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be a guest on Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows from 8:30 to 10 am on 1530 KFBK and from 10 am to noon on 650 KSTE discussing organic tips for the spring garden and landscape. Listen and call in to get your questions answered.

June 22, 2013 from 9 am to 2 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be staffing a booth at the San Juan Water District's "How to Landscape Day" that runs from 9 am to 2 pm at 9935 Auburn-Folsom Rd. Granite Bay California. Check out their beautiful Water Efficient Landscape Garden, visit educational booths and hear presentations on "Non-Native Low Water Use Plants and Water Saving Tips," "Irrigating Efficiently," and "Integrated Pest Management."

Wednesdays Sept. 11 - Nov. 13, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:45 pm:
The Green Gardener Training Program is a ten-week series of classes that provides participants with a foundation of knowledge on River-Friendly landscape principles, soil health, mulch, compost, irrigation, right plant right place, integrated pest management (IPM), pruning, fertilizer, and turf care. Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be the instructor for the fertilizer and turf care class. Classes will be held at Folsom Public Library Community Room, 411 Stafford Street, Folsom, CA 95630. For more information or to register (between July 15 & August 30, 2013) go to the EcoLandscape California website.

August 3, 2013 from 8 am to 2 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will have an educational booth at Harvest Day, at Fair Oaks Park, 11549 Fair Oaks Blvd. Fair Oaks, California. Steve will be answering your garden questions and solving your garden problems organically, as well as discussing the benefits of soil testing, organic gardening products available locally and other related topics. One of Sacramento's best horticultural events it includes numerous speakers, demonstrations, educational booths, tours of various demonstration gardens, and sampling of tree fruit, grapes and vegetables.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 18, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2 pm:
Certified Integrated Pest Management  Advocate Steven Zien representing the Our Water Our World program will be appearing at the Orchard Supply Hardware located at 6124 San Juan Ave, Citrus Heights (727-1444). Steve will have a variety of least toxic garden and pest management products on display that he will be discussing and will be available for purchase. Bring your garden questions and pest samples for identification and Steve will help you go home with a least toxic solution.

May 23, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:45 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will make a two hour presentation about "SOIL NOT JUST A DIRTY WORD: Take a revealing journey into the mysteries of managing your soil's biology for an easy care, healthy, pest-free, garden and landscape." Discover the latest techniques and tools to maximize the influence of the beneficial organisms that help you plants grow healthy and pest-free. Soil analysis, organic fertilization, and organic pest management will also be covered. This is the first of four Homeowner Landscape Workshops offered by the City of Folsom Water Conservation Program that will be meeting on the 4th Thursday of May, June, July and August. Classes will be held at the City Library's Community Room at 411 Stafford Street, Folsom, Ca. To register call 916-355-7252.

May 25, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2 pm:
Certified Integrated Pest Management  Advocate Steven Zien representing the Our Water Our World program will be appearing at the Orchard Supply Hardware located at 4249 Elverta Road, Antelope (729-0621). Steve will have a variety of least toxic garden and pest management products on display that he will be discussing and will be available for purchase. Bring your garden questions and pest samples for identification and Steve will help you go home with a least toxic solution.

June 1, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2 pm:
Certified Integrated Pest Management  Advocate Steven Zien representing the Our Water Our World program will be appearing at the Green Acres Nursery and Supply located at 8501 Jackson Rd, Sacramento (381-1625). Steve will have a variety of least toxic garden and pest management products on display that he will be discussing and will be available for purchase. Bring your garden questions and pest samples for identification and Steve will help you go home with a least toxic solution.

June 2, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2 pm:
Organic horticulturist and Green Gardener Instructor Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be staffing a EcoLandscape California/Green Gardener educational booth helping folks discover environmentally sound tools and techniques to get the most out of their gardens and landscapes. As part of Roseville's Greener Gardens Tour, the Do-It-Yourself portion of this event will have numerous educational booths and be held at the Roseville Utility Exploration Center 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Roseville (746-1550). Bring your garden and landscape questions and pest samples for identification and Steve will help you solve your problems organically.

June 8, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2 pm:
Certified Integrated Pest Management  Advocate Steven Zien representing the Our Water Our World program will be appearing at the Home Depot located at 4641 Florin Road, Sacramento (393-9500). Steve will have a variety of least toxic garden and pest management products on display that he will be discussing and will be available for purchase. Bring your garden questions and pest samples for identification and Steve will help you go home with a least toxic solution.

June 15, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2 pm:
Certified Integrated Pest Management  Advocate Steven Zien representing the Our Water Our World program will be appearing at Emigh Hardware located at 3555 El Camino, Sacramento (482-1900). Steve will have a variety of least toxic garden and pest management products on display that he will be discussing and will be available for purchase. Bring your garden questions and pest samples for identification and Steve will help you go home with a least toxic solution.

June 16, 2013 from 8:30 am to Noon:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be a guest on Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows from 8:30 to 10 am on 1530 KFBK and from 10 am to noon on 650 KSTE discussing organic tips for the spring garden and landscape. Listen and call in to get your questions answered.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

April 16, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien will be the instructor for the class on Integrated Pest Management which is part of a 10-Week Green Gardening At Home Series offered by the Placer County Water Authority. The program begins February 26, 2013 with classes to be held Tuesdays in the American River Room at 144 Ferguson Road Auburn. The program will provide a wealth of information and skills through presentations and hands-on exercises that can help you save money, conserve water and sustain your healthy landscapes. Call 530-823-4850 to register.

April 21, 2013 from 8:30 am to Noon:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be a guest on Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows from 8:30 to 10 am on 1530 KFBK and from 10 am to noon on 650 KSTE discussing organic tips for the spring garden and landscape. Listen and call in to get your questions answered.
April 27, 2013 from 9:00 to 10:30 am:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien will be the instructor for a class discussing "Save Your Garden From Pests & Pesticides" taught at the Sacramento Natural Food Coop.  You don’t have to let the pests of spring turn your enjoyable garden experience into a real pain. Discover how to improve your irrigation practices to reduce pest problems by 90 percent. We’ll introduce safe tools, techniques and products that will allow you to organically manage most garden and landscape pests. Call 916-868-6399 to register.
April 30, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien will be the instructor for the class on Lawn Care and Fertilizers which is part of a 10-Week Green Gardening At Home Series offered by the Placer County Water Authority. The program begins February 26, 2013 with classes to be held Tuesdays in the American River Room at 144 Ferguson Road Auburn. The program will provide a wealth of information and skills through presentations and hands-on exercises that can help you save money, conserve water and sustain your healthy landscapes. Call 530-823-4850 to register.

May 11, 2013 from 12:30 to 2:00 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will make a presentation about "Integrated Pest Management: Protect Good Bugs" as part of the Green Gardener Workshop Mini-Series. Healthy gardens and natural habitats are filled with life - from microscopic bacteria and fungi eaten by worms and insects that in turn are eaten by birds and lizards. Learn how to maintain a healthy garden by reducing you dependence on pesticides and herbicides that don't distinguish between the good critters and the bad. The class will held at the Exploration Center, 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd., in Roseville, California. Call 916-746-1550 to register.

May 23, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:45 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will make a two hour presentation about "SOIL NOT JUST A DIRTY WORD: Take a revealing journey into the mysteries of managing your soil's biology for an easy care, healthy, pest-free, garden and landscape." Discover the latest techniques and tools to maximize the influence of the beneficial organisms that help you plants grow healthy and pest-free. Soil analysis, organic fertilization, and organic pest management will also be covered. This is the first of four Homeowner Landscape Workshops offered by the City of Folsom Water Conservation Program that will be meeting on the 4th Thursday of May, June, July and August. Classes will be held at the City Library's Community Room at 411 Stafford Street, Folsom, Ca. To register call 916-355-7252.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 7, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien will be the instructor for the class on Integrated Pest Management which is part of a 10-Week Green Gardening At Home Series offered at the Roseville Utility Exploration Center. The program begins January 17, 2013 with classes to be held at the Exploration Center, 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd., in Roseville, California. The program will provide a wealth of information and skills through presentations and hands-on exercises that can help you save money, conserve water and sustain your healthy landscapes. Call 916-746-1550 to register.

March 9, 2013 from 10:00 am to 2 pm:
Certified Integrated Pest Management  Advocate Steven Zien representing the Our Water Our World program will be appearing at the Orchard Supply Hardware located at 3550 Arden Way, Sacramento (480-0337). Steve will have a variety of least toxic garden and pest management products on display that he will be discussing and will be available for purchase. Bring your garden questions and pest samples for identification and Steve will help you go home with a least toxic solution.

March 10, 2013 from 8:30 am to Noon:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be a guest on Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows from 8:30 to 10 am on 1530 KFBK and from 10 am to noon on 650 KSTE discussing organic tips for the winter garden and landscape. Listen and call in to get your questions answered.

March 20, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien will be the instructor for the class on Fertilizes and Turf Care which is part of a 10-Week Green Gardener Training Program for horticultural professionals offered at the Sacramento Tree Foundation, 191 Lathrop Way, Suite D, Sacramento, CA. The programs will be held on Wednesdays beginning January 16th. Program topics include River-Friendly Landscaping Principles, Soil Health, Mulch and Compost, Irrigation (3 classes), Right Plant Right Place, Integrated Pest Management, Pruning for Plant Health and Fertilizers and Turf Care.

March 21, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien will be the instructor for the class on Fertilizes and Lawn Care which is part of a 10-Week Green Gardening At Home Series offered at the Roseville Utility Exploration Center. The program begins January 17, 2013 with classes to be held Thursdays at the Exploration Center, 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd., in Roseville, California. The program will provide a wealth of information and skills through presentations and hands-on exercises that can help you save money, conserve water and sustain your healthy landscapes. Call 916-746-1550 to register.

March 24, 2013 from 8:30 am to Noon:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be a guest on Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows from 8:30 to 10 am on 1530 KFBK and from 10 am to noon on 650 KSTE discussing organic tips for the winter garden and landscape. Listen and call in to get your questions answered.
April 16, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien will be the instructor for the class on Integrated Pest Management which is part of a 10-Week Green Gardening At Home Series offered by the Placer County Water Authority. The program begins February 26, 2013 with classes to be held Tuesdays in the American River Room at 144 Ferguson Road Auburn. The program will provide a wealth of information and skills through presentations and hands-on exercises that can help you save money, conserve water and sustain your healthy landscapes. Call 530-823-4850 to register.
April 30, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien will be the instructor for the class on Lawn Care and Fertilizers which is part of a 10-Week Green Gardening At Home Series offered by the Placer County Water Authority. The program begins February 26, 2013 with classes to be held Tuesdays in the American River Room at 144 Ferguson Road Auburn. The program will provide a wealth of information and skills through presentations and hands-on exercises that can help you save money, conserve water and sustain your healthy landscapes. Call 530-823-4850 to register.

May 11, 2013 from 12:30 to 2:00 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will make a presentation about "Integrated Pest Management: Protect Good Bugs" as part of the Green Gardener Workshop Mini-Series. Healthy gardens and natural habitats are filled with life - from microscopic bacteria and fungi eaten by worms and insects that in turn are eaten by birds and lizards. Learn how to maintain a healthy garden by reducing you dependence on pesticides and herbicides that don't distinguish between the good critters and the bad. The class will held at the Exploration Center, 1501 Pleasant Grove Blvd., in Roseville, California. Call 916-746-1550 to register.

May 23, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:45 pm:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will make a two hour presentation about "SOIL NOT JUST A DIRTY WORD: Take a revealing journey into the mysteries of managing your soil's biology for an easy care, healthy, pest-free, garden and landscape." Discover the latest techniques and tools to maximize the influence of the beneficial organisms that help you plants grow healthy and pest-free. Soil analysis, organic fertilization, and organic pest management will also be covered. This is the first of four Homeowner Landscape Workshops offered by the City of Folsom Water Conservation Program that will be meeting on the 4th Thursday of May, June, July and August. Classes will be held at the City Library's Community Room at 411 Stafford Street, Folsom, Ca.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 27, 2013 from 8:30 am to Noon:
Organic horticulturist Steven Zien from Living Resources Company will be a guest on Farmer Fred's garden radio talk shows from 8:30 to 10 am on 1530 KFBK and from 10 am to noon on 650 KSTE discussing organic tips for the winter garden and landscape. Listen and call in to get your questions answered.